College Student accommodations
If you are a college student studying in WA state and need a place to stay, call us at (253)234 9989(X)5 or email us at admincoord@iacswa.org.

Seniors Support/Families
To reach out for help with grocery runs, health insurance, visa issues, information assistance, transportation issues, call us at (253) 234 9989(X) 3, 5 or email us at seniorcoord@iacswa.org.

International Visitors
If you are a visitor to WA state and need help call us at (253)234-9989(X)5 or email us at admincoord@iaww.org. Employment Needs Please call us at (253) 234-9989 (X) 5 OR email us at directorcommunity@iacswa.org.

Small Business Support
IAWW is assisting our small businesses with applications to relief packages (SBA Loans), unemployment, rent, food and utility relief. Please reach out to us by emailing us at directorcommunity@iacswa.org or call us at (253) 234 9989 Ext. (5)

Legal/Visa Issues/Needs
Please email us at legalservices@iacswa.org for a phone consult on visas, extensions, H1 and H4 visa, green card and citizenship issues.