IACS Youth Outreach 2023-24 Registration Posted on September 16, 2023 (September 16, 2023) by annuw5@hotmail.com IACS Youth Outreach 2024-25 Registration- students in 6th and 7th grade IACS YO Registration for 2024-25 Program Year. Parent Email* This parent contact will receive all confirmations.YO Name* First Last Age*Birthdate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Gender*FemaleMaleNon-BinaryOtherYO Applicant Pronouns*School*0 of 100 max charactersGrade Sept 2024*6th7thYO email required (parents pls do not add your email)* Parents, please don’t add your email. We do need applicant’s email for communication as well as for Youth Advisors to provide mentorship and check-in. YO's mobile #Parents, please do not add your phone number. If the YO applicant doesn’t have a cell phone, just leave it blank. Meal Preference*VegetarianVeganNon-vegetarian (select even if its just chicken)Food Allergies*0 of 1000 max charactersHome phone*Home address* Street Address City ZIP Code Mother's name*0 of 50 max charactersMother's email* Mother's cell*Father's name*0 of 50 max charactersFather's email* Father's cell*