2020 census

Providing information for the United States Census is not only a legal responsibility, it’s also an important opportunity for the Indian-American community to be recognized and represented in government. We can help with your questions and guide you through the process.   

Census 2020 Next Steps

Census cards have been mailed to all families and it is important that each of us residing in the United States accurately count all members of the family (including H1, H4 visa individuals, grandparents and long term visitors).

Aug 11 – Oct 31: Census takers will interview homes that haven't responded to the 2020 Census to make sure everyone is counted.

December: The Census Bureau will deliver apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law.

If you have not received the code to fill your Census form in the mail then please click this link my2020census.gov/ to directly go to the form and fill your Census information.

If you need assistance with language or information please call us at (253) 234-9989 (x)9 and you will be connected to our Civic Engagement coordinator who can assist you.

IAWW provides language assistance:
Hindi: (206) 601-4132 • Telugu: 425) 829-5544
Gujarati: 206) 713-9846 • Bengali: 425) 208-5835
Punjabi: 425) 444-0214 • Tamil: 425) 246-1399
Kannada: (425) 785-9236 • Marathi: (425) 260-6762
Urdu: (425) 829-5544

census jobs, workshops and events

Eastside Refugee & Immigrant Coalition: https://ericmembers.org/2020-census/

Census employment and volunteering: executivedirector@iaww.org

Information on how your city is doing with response rates (real time): http://eastsidecensus.org/

Census FAQs

What is the census?

It’s how we count people living in the country—every resident, citizens and non-citizens alike.

Why is it important for the government to have that information?

It’s how the government knows where money is needed— for things like hospitals, schools, and transportation. It also determines how many representatives Washington state will have in Congress.

Is it safe?

The number of people living in your home, whether the home is rented, owned, occupied, a phone number for an adult family member, the name, sex, age, date of birth, race or ethnicity of each person living in the home, and relationship to the adult person in the house.

What information do I need to provide?

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Who gets that information?

Only the Census Bureau. It’s illegal for the bureau to share it with any other agency, including ICE and other law enforcement.

Is there a citizenship question?

No—the census has NO citizenship question.

How is this census different from previous ones?

This year, most people will complete the census online.

Why should I participate?

When you complete the census, you make sure our community shows up in the data that determines how we’re funded and represented. You’re making sure your tax dollars come back to your community.

When is the census happening?

Starting March 12th, people will receive letters in the mail about the census. From March 21st through July, you can complete it online. If you don’t have Internet access or need help, there are places in your community to complete the census with help. Or, a census staffer will visit your home to help make sure you’re counted.

How do I complete it?

The easiest way to complete the census is online. You can also complete it over the phone or with a paper form. Organizations in the community will also provide help to seniors, immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, and anyone else who needs assistance.

Do census workers come to my house to count me?

If you don’t complete the census online by early May, a census worker will come to your door to help you complete it. You’ll know they’re official because they’ll have a census worker badge.

Do I have to pay money to take part?

No! The Census Bureau and its staff will never ask you for money or for bank account information, social security number, or a political donation. If anyone asks you for money related to the census, they are trying to take advantage of you with a scam.

We are grateful to King County, Seattle Foundation and the Eastside cities for funding our efforts in census education and assistance.

